Student Life

Leonia Cross Country: Friendships and Successes

Many runners from Leonia High School’s Cross Country team – some of whom have made records breaking into the top 15 in multiple categories – owe a great deal of their efforts and successes to their teammates and friends on the team. Their words of encouragement inspire them to stay motivated and determined to do their best. 

Having support from your closest friends is important in times where you may be struggling. Junior Calvin Daou, a notable member of the school’s Boys Cross Country team who ranked in the Top 15 in the all time rankings at the Bergen County Invitational in 2024, comments on how his friends supported him through his decline in athletic performance: “I got worried that I wouldn’t be able to recover from my slump. My team, however, did help me recover by constantly motivating me to stay positive. They got me through some tough workouts.” By having the support of his friends and teammates, Calvin was able to effectively navigate through his hardships and feelings. They motivated him to regain his confidence, which translated into his successful performance at the invitational. Calvin also gave his perspective on how his track meets usually look like, noting, “We always try to hype each other up. We also have some very funny conversations between us, and I think that goes far in keeping our moods positive.” Maintaining a positive attitude with your fellow teammates and close friends, especially in a competitive environment in track and field, is important as it helps them feel more comfortable and focused.

Senior Ian Cortez, another prominent runner on the Boys Cross Country team, reveals how his teammates got him through his own hardships while practicing for runs, noting, “The frequent meets and workouts I had to endure made me feel really drained and tired. My friends on the team were always encouraging and cheering me on, helping me prevent future burnouts.” In the midst of his athletic burnout, Ian’s friends on the team lifted his spirits, making him more enthusiastic to approach cross country, reminding him of the immense skill he has for running. Their words of encouragement motivated him to push through his hardships, while ensuring that in the future, he doesn’t overwhelm himself to the point of being burned out. Ian’s experiences show the importance of maintaining positive relationships with friends and teammates in the pursuit of achieving success in athletics, especially when in need of moral support and encouragement in times of facing challenges and frustration. 

Senior Tiana Pekar, who runs for the Girls Cross Country team and ranked in the Top 4 at the Manhattan Invitational this year, shared her experiences on the team and how her teammates supported her when she first began, saying, “Whenever I would get very tired, they’d keep up with me at my running pace while playing our favorite songs to listen to.” Tiana’s teammates turned her exhaustion into moments of shared enjoyment, where she and her friends could get through their runs knowing they have the support of one another. On top of strengthening their bonds, their comfort and encouragement for each other is essential in improving their skills, preparing them for far more rigorous runs. The influence from her friends and achievements in cross country has only enhanced her motivation to continue accomplishing her goals. “I’ve become very goal-driven. Being goal-driven has allowed me to feel more motivated when chasing for personal accomplishments.” This mindset motivates her to continue improving upon her athletic skills, which is important in fostering personal growth. For athletes in varieties of sports, being goal-oriented encourages them to remain motivated and focused on their athletics.

The Cross Country team will surely continue to achieve greatness through the outstanding efforts of their runners, and the relationships they’ve made with their teammates.