Student Life

Hallway Navigation Tips and Tricks

The bell rings and you exit the classroom into the hallway. The sound of slamming lockers and noisy chatter assaults your ears as you try to make your  way through a sea of students. You feel the helplessness, carried along by the current of bodies as you try to figure out where your next class is. This is freshman year at Leonia High School.

As the new school year rolls around, freshman and new students are bound to have a difficult time navigating the hallways. With the crowded, busy hallways and puzzling room numbers, it can quickly get confusing and can seem like an impossible task to get from one place to another. Every transition time makes it seem like it is students against the clock, facing the problem of not only being lost around the school but also adjusting to the fear of being late to their new classes. The stress of adjusting to a new schedule change everyday with the new ABCD day system is making those first few weeks a bit more difficult than it should be.

Freshman Sofia Torres shared, “It took me a week and a half to get used to the classrooms, I still sometimes mess up in the hallways between classes but I’ll get the hang of it.”  Most freshmen in this high school have found it very difficult to get around, and feel that it took them kind of long to get used to the hallways. Another freshman, Jake Yoo observed, “Since there is a new ABCD day split in the schedule it was really hard for me to adjust at first. If it weren’t for the outgoing teachers helping me get to all of my classes, I honestly don’t think I would’ve survived.”

Navigating high school hallways and getting to class on time can be a hard challenge, but with a few strategies and suggestions it can become manageable.  For example, instead of using the stairs in the south wing to get to the Peace Garden and the first floor classrooms, use the stairs near room C203 or by room C208; these can take you into the basement level for Art and Graphic Design, as well as get you to the Peace Garden. There is also a hallway in the Core that people forget about. That will take you from the cafeteria, past rooms C232 and C231 to room C216 on the other side of the school. Lastly, a trick you may want use is if you know you have class on the other side of the hallway but the hallways are to crowded, just go through the Little Theater to get from room C205 straight to C219.

Knowing the difficulties of getting through all the traffic in the hallways, new gym teacher Mr. Miller had an interesting suggestion, “I actually do think that if the school installed TV’s at certain corners of where students commonly go in between classes and show a map of the whole school with points saying “YOU ARE HERE” just like it is in malls it would be much easier.”

The new school year is a difficult time navigating the hallways of the Leonia High School. It might be challenging for new students, freshman, or even teachers to find their classes. But with help from peers and teachers, memorizing the layout and planning out your route, you’ll get the hang of it in no time.


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