Student Life

Legacy of Seniors: Impact of Senior Leaders

Throughout the four years of high school, the seniors have certainly made an impact on the school community and have left their mark, whether academically, socially, or athletically. 

August Hibler is a captain on the wrestling team who ranked third in the New Jersey state tournament. According to Hibler, his greatest strength is wrestling and his greatest improvement was “getting taller”. Hibler is committed to Northwestern where he will continue his wrestling career, where he is majoring in economics. 

Anaya Jethani was a player on the tennis team, service club, student council, and limelighters drama club. As service club president, she worked with the other officers and Ms. Wilson acquired over 100 students in our club and on the tennis team. Jethani was an incredibly active participant in school, saying that she “learned how to work in and collaborate with a team whether that was through the clubs that I joined or on school projects in classes.” Jethani is committed to Cornell University and will be studying Applied Economics and Management at the Dyson School. 

Siena DeLeon is a member of the ribbon club and was a player in soccer, softball, and basketball, and is the only captain on the newly formed flag football team. Throughout her years at Leonia, DeLeon has consistently advocated for flag football to be an option for female athletes as a spring sport. In her senior year, Mr. Scoppa agreed to supervise and with the help of Mr. Morrales, the team found great success and a full roster. Currently, flag football will be coming back in the 2024-2025 school year and is on its way to becoming a varsity sport. DeLeon is committed to San Diego State University and is planning to change her major from Psychology to Sports Management. DeLeon said, “I would define leadership as being a true teammate, supporting each other, rising above the bad, and making the best out of every situation.”

Regan Lynch is student council senior class president, captain of the basketball and softball team, member of the ribbon club, and yearbook club, and has played volleyball, flag football, and cross country. For her major athletic achievements, Lynch has led the basketball and softball teams to become league champions and was the first and only athlete in Leonia’s history to play four varsity sports in her freshmen year. Additionally, Lynch was selected by the school to represent Leonia for National Girls and Women in Sports Day. She is committed to Montclair State University and is majoring in Physical Education with a minor in coaching, with plans to get both her bachelor’s and master’s–aiming to become a gym teacher in the future. Lynch said, “I feel a sense of pride in myself knowing that I left my mark and legacy behind at Leonia, not only because of everything I do but because of the person and teammate that I am.”

Jaden Marchan is part of the chess club and also holds the New Jersey state title in the 400-meter event. Besides his runnings, his second biggest accomplishment was “beating Nick Spady in chess”.  Marchan is committed to Georgetown University where he will continue his running career, while also majoring in Business. 

Both Jaden Marchan and Regan Lynch are the NJIC sportsmanship award recipients and will represent their schools well on May 29th at the Chart House in Weehawken. 

Beyond their many years of participation, these seniors have passed on the baton to future generations of students and have helped shape the Leonia school community. We wish them good luck in the future!


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