Student Life

SAT Season

SAT season is coming up in Leonia High School and students are currently preparing to build their bright futures. The SAT is a standardized test that is used for admissions to colleges and universities in the United States. Not everyone is taking them, however, those who are have been studying and stressing about the upcoming test. The SAT’s will take place in Leonia High School on March 9th, May 4th and June 1st. Students are required to pay $60 dollars in order to take the test. 

The SAT’s are a big deal in the life of high school students. I interviewed 3 juniors at LHS to find out how they feel about the test. Minji Kim stated, “Preparing for the SAT’s was pretty bad. I knew that the SAT’s are not an easy thing and it was challenging for me. No matter how much time I spent studying, my score didn’t go up as much as I thought, and I stressed a lot during that time.” Taking such an important test like the SAT’s is very nerve wracking. Junior Emma Widensky explains that her main concern is “finishing in time because that has been a struggle of mine in the past.” 

Plenty of students are struggling with the large amount of studying needed for the testing and everybody has their own way of preparing. Jasmin Putyatina says, “For math, I would watch youtube videos on key things to know for the SAT as well as doing problems on Khan academy. For English, reading comprehension and then summarizing what you read helps me. For grammar and writing, writing essays, building sentences, and making sure you understand the grammar rules is also useful. Reviewing what you learned over the past couple of years and not stressing is important.” With so much studying and stress that comes with the upcoming SAT testing, everyone has their own coping mechanisms. Minji Kim’s way of staying calm is by “hanging out with friends, going somewhere far from home to get some fresh air, and sharing SAT struggles with my friends/family.” 

The SAT’s may seem like the most important thing when it comes to applying for college, and some schools do mainly look at the scores, however some also believe that the character of the person applying is more important than the SAT score that they got. Minji Kim notes, “The SAT is just one of many tests, and since colleges care more about what kind of person I am these days, I don’t really think the SAT’s are the most important thing.”

Good luck to all of the Leonia High School students taking the upcoming SAT testing. It’s important to try your best and have confidence in yourself. Everyone will do great and Leonia High School is rooting for them.


Edited by: Katerina Romanides


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