Student Life

Field Trips… to Other Countries?

Pictured: LHS 2023 Trip to Spain

Field trips have been recurring in school since Pre-K. Quite a few trips happen each year across the three Leonia schools.

When we focus on the high school in particular, however, an unusual type of trip comes up: the international trip. Overseas trips like this have occurred in the past, usually supported by travel company EF Tours. These trips offer cultural experiences that are not possible to gain by sitting in classrooms for hours. These trips let students see how the subjects they are learning about apply in real life, and give them further context for the world they inhabit. 

Early this year, I went on one of these trips to Spain (pictured). It was chaperoned by middle school Social Studies teacher Mr. Muench, World Language supervisor Ms. Gander, middle school Vice Principal Ms. King, and high school science teacher Mr. Linares. The trip was very culturally enriching. Not only was it interesting to look at the historical relics and wander the sprawling cities, it was a perfect opportunity to practice our Spanish. By the end of the trip, I was able to recall words quickly and speak at a much more normal speed – just from surrounding myself with the language. Exposure is the best way to learn, so I highly recommend this to anyone learning literally anything. I also made a few friends on the trip, and we still talk to this day, which is super cool.

Jared Manatt ‘26 plans to go on a trip next year to Switzerland. Although he is not entirely sure, he is excited at the prospect. “[I am looking forward to] the experience,” he said. “Making a connection with people who I wouldn’t otherwise.”