Student Life

Eating for Leonia

One of the easiest ways to earn money for schools is by doing something everyone can do: eat. Restaurant fundraisers are usually run at a certain period of time where people buy their food and a percentage of the amount of money earned at that restaurant is donated to support the school. Restaurant fundraising is not just a way of earning money for the school, it is a way for many different people to participate. Leonia High School are one of the many schools doing these kinds of fundraisers partnering with food chain restaurants like Panera and Chipotle. 

Chipotle often partners up with Leonia High School for these causes. Located in Edgewater, Chipotle gives 33% of their sales during the time frame of 4-9 pm. The money raised from the fundraiser will go to the underclassmen. Participants must maintain the fundraiser or bring in a flier in order to participate. 

Clubs at LHS are using these fundraisers to earn money to support their club, such as the Service club. Last month, the Service club partnered with Panera to support financially. The event lasted about four hours with 20% of the money earned donated to the club. To help support the school and club, participants must bring a flyer of the event, digital copy, or use a promo code when using a digital app. Ms. Wilson comments that although restaurant fundraisers are usually successful, many restaurants require minimum sales in order for them to actually make a donation. For the Panera fundraiser, they need to make a sale of at least $100 to be able to receive a donation. Ms. Batti remarks that restaurant fundraisers have always been successful, however, due to the pandemic many programs have since shut down. Ms. Batti also comments that the hardest part of these fundraisers was spreading the word and when weather would interrupt these events. 

With these kinds of fundraisers, in order to help support LHS, not only should the students get involved but the community should participate in these events!


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