Student Life

Sit Back, Relax, and Contemplate a Life Decision: College Visits at LHS

Are you applying to college? If so, you should probably start signing up for college visits. These resourceful meetings, which take place from now until the end of December, are open to juniors and seniors and occur during the school day.  At these events, students and college admission counselors have the ability to meet face to face and gain a better understanding of the school they wish to apply to.

By attending a college visit, students not only learn about the school’s perks, but have the chance to make an impression on an admission counselor. It may seem daunting to have face to face contact with the individual who may accept or reject you from a school of your dreams, but as Mrs. Clair (a long time guidance counselor) said to the senior class, “Meeting the admissions staff helps a student stand out, especially if they look the same on paper.”

Bannon Brody, a junior, expressed that she “wish[ed] someone actually explained how to sign up” for a college visit. To those also questioning how to register, simply sign on to Naviance. Once at the home page scroll down to the “What’s New” box. Listed are the numerous colleges that come to our school. Then, just click the “more info” link for the college of your choice, and click “Register”. For any difficulties logging on, see your school counselor. It is important to note the time that a visit is scheduled for. If a visit is planned during an important class, ask a teacher beforehand if you are permitted to attend that particular visit.

Colleges from across the country visit LHS. Schools like the University of Southern California, Lynn University, and even Rutgers University come to educate prospective students on what their schools have to offer. One way to alleviate the costly and sometimes inconvenient transportation to college tours is by attending visits here at LHS. Through attending in school visits, no additional money is spent on lodging, transportation and food.

Colleges for everyone come to our school. Art schools, religious schools, urban schools, public schools, private schools, high ranking schools, and less competitive schools all have visits planned. No matter what your interests are or what your GPA is, there is a college visit for you.

The only downside to attending a visit is that students are absent for at least half of a class period. However, isn’t the knowledge gained about a major life decision more important than class work, which can be made up? In the end, the choice is yours. Even if you are unsure, go online and check out the array of schools coming to LHS. Act now before all slots are filled!


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