Student Life

Finding the Right College

Have you ever wondered what the inside of your dream college looks like? College visits are crucial in knowing which college fits best. When you visit a college for the first time, it should give you a good idea of what going to school there will be like. The visit will cover everything from where you eat and study to where you sleep. Each college will offer different opportunities and amenities, so you will want to be sure you choose the right campus for your goals and lifestyle. Many students who have a certain college in mind may change their decision according to how the campus functions. Students need a college that suits them and makes them feel at home.

The staff the students around the Leonia High School have had their own opinions on the topic of “college visits.” Ms. Wong, a guidance counselor at the school replied positively about the series of questions relating to college visits. She answered that college visits were important because “it is important for students to be on campus and have a feel of the school by interacting with the people and place.” She was also asked to explain how long a usual college visit would last. Her response was “It would depend on the size and variations of the school.”

Ms. Wilson, also a guidance counselor at the Leonia High School, shared similar thoughts about college visits. She also believed that the visits were important and could better prepare students in the future. Her answer to how college visits could benefit students was that “College visits give students a chance to meet administrators face to face.”

Rohit Gaglani, a senior at the Leonia High School, said that visiting colleges “made it easier for him to decide on which college he wanted.”

In-school college visits are also available for students to meet with representatives. Sign ins for in school college visits can be accessed through Naviance. Once in Naviance, scroll down to the “What’s New” section, click on “show more”, and then register and follow the prompts for the visit you would like to attend.



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