Student Life

Chinese Club

Chinese Club is a group of people who share common interest on the culture of China and gather in different rooms every afternoon but mainly in room 102. It is run by Mrs. Chen who is the Chinese teacher at Leonia High School. The students who participate in Chinese club define it as culturally involving  and informative especially towards the people who have no knowledge about the culture of China but who have taken an interest in it.

One of the members of the club said that she joined the club because, “you get sort of a snippet of the culture by doing the activities, even though it’s only for an hour or two” she says. 

When I asked Emely Torres, a senior at Leonia High school, she said “Since I was already taking Chinese I just decided “why not join?” It’s relaxed… [Mrs. Chen] is less strict than some club advisers. So it’s not like a stressful club but it’s still fun.”

Jing Jia, a junior at Leonia High school, says she joined the Chinese Club because “Chinese club is a club that can help us learn Chinese and more about its culture. [I’m] Chinese so I like to teach others about it.”

Emely Torres describes the most interesting parts of the club as, “The activities we do, they’re more immersive. One time we made dumplings from scratch and I thought that it was really fun.” Jing Jia answered with, “We can share our experiences, Mrs. Chen tells us stories about when she was in China since she goes there every year.”

This after school club is all about bringing people together who share an interest in Chinese culture and language whether knowing about it or not, everyone is welcome.


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