Student Life

DECA’s Road To Atlanta, Georgia

Leonia DECA is hoping for successful 2017-2018 showdown against other high school marketers, economists, accountants this upcoming DECA competition coming soon this January. With the clubs popularity and the biggest chapter club in Leonia High School, Ms Gianfredi, teacher and marketing adviser of the chapter is hoping to getting all her troops straight to Atlanta, Georgia coming in May 2018. Last year, 25 students out of 88 students competed and qualified at nationals in Anaheim, California, coming back with 8 finalist medals. However, Ms Gianfredi and the chapter officers are hoping for more display trophies in their school store and more pictures framed next to the DECA mural.

“From the pancake breakfast to the volleyball tournament, every member plays a vital role in our success. Perhaps, the most important is to remain enthusiastic about the program. I want to continue the legacy previous students have left behind for us,” said Vice President Ryan Nakajima

On wednesday, the chapter officers, marketing and MBLA class representatives- President Johnathan Perino, Vice President Ryan Nakajima, Secretary Youssef Mourad, Treasuer Kaustubh Shankar, New Jersey Vice President of Public Relations Taylor Molina, and class representatives, Jiu Han, Ryan Ko, Nicole (Last Name), Allison Nakajima, Nicola(Last Name), Morgan(Last Name), and (one more), drove down to the Pine Manor in Edison, New Jersey, to meet with other high school DECA chapter leaders in the state and have Keith Hawkins, a motivational speaker, teach them about leadership.

“Keith taught me to be more confident in myself and not focus on temporary things, but instead on things that will leave a permanent mark on my life”, said Secretary Youssef Mourad.

Through Keith Hawkins teachings and motivational speeches to the DECA chapter leaders on Wednesday, Ms Gianfredi and the Leonia DECA chapter officers organized a chapter convention meeting with the rest of the Leonia DECA members in the little theater and have Keith Hawkins speak with them the next day. Keith Hawkins is recognized as one of the world’s top motivational speakers and leadership consultants. Keith spoke with conviction, purpose, and passion. Keith inspired the students to be a better person, to be the change they so desire, and to learn, grow, and thrive in life. He gave students the tools to find purpose in everything they do, and value in who they are. With his inspiration, he ensured every student in DECA have one of Keith Hawkins life changing key points, and appreciate every member of the Leonia DECA chapter and everyone else in Leonia High School.


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