LifestyleScience & Technology

Fluffy Winter Animals

Christmas, a holiday celebrated on December 25th, is a very celebratory time, religiously and non-religiously. About a month leading up to this day, people love to do many things to prepare. This includes setting up their Christmas tree, decorating their house/room, and snuggling cozy things. This may be a fluffy blanket, a stuffed animal, or maybe even a furry pet! Speaking of furry pets, here are some fluffy animals to increase your “awe level”.

Emperor Penguin

The emperor penguin is currently the tallest and heaviest penguin species in the entire world. Their average height is about 100-122 cm and they usually weigh around 55-100 pounds. Given the fact that they live in Antarctica, their population is unfortunately nearly threatened as of now due to global warming melting off their habitat.

Adult emperor penguins are absolutely adorable but once you take sight of the awe-mazing baby emperor penguins, you will be completely mesmerized.

Polar Bear

Polar bears are the largest bears in the world. Despite their large mass, they are a top predator in the Arctic environment. They spend most of their lives on top of ice, also being able to swim through the freezing cold water. Polar bears greatly rely on ice to travel, rest, hunt, and mate. Unfortunately, polar bears are also at great risk of becoming extinct due to the melting of ice.

Have you ever heard the sound a polar bear makes? You should definitely search it up (or click here) because I think you’ll find it pretty ferociously AWEsome.

Snow Leopard

Snow leopards have the capability to jump six times the length of their body. Their tail helps to support their agility, wrapping around them to keep them warm during extreme cold weather. Even with their adorable features, they are immensely vulnerable to extinction due to poaching targeted towards them and also predator populations. However, hopefully, after you search up “snow leopard family”, you’ll melt from being absolutely AWEstruck and take some action to help save these cubs’ families.

Arctic Fox

The arctic fox is a carnivorous mammal, preferring to live inland. They hunt for small animals such as voles, fish, sea birds, and more. Surprisingly, arctic foxes are able to survive in temperatures that have a 160-180° F difference between their bodies. The population status of arctic foxes is not of much concern as there currently are several hundred thousands of them alive.



All of these awe-tastic fur babies can be adoring to look at. However, most of these animals are at risk of becoming extinct due to pollution causing climate change. It is important to take action in order to reduce the amount of pollutants going into the environment. You can take simple steps such as recycling, driving less, or even more simply, encouraging a friend to take action as well. Through these effortless tasks, we can help our environment so much more.


Which end of year activity are you looking forward to the most?


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