The Untold Truth of Restaurants During Covid

Since the Coronavirus pandemic began almost a year ago this month, restaurants have suffered severely, with low sales and fewer customers. Restaurants all over the world are suffering because of the fear  of catching the life-threatening virus from going out and eating dinner. This has impacted restaurant sales severely, leaving restaurants forced to close down.  


During the course of the pandemic, restaurants have changed almost completely, to customers sitting six feet apart from one another, sitting inside and restaurants being able to sit 35% of seats overall in their establishments. Even after all of these new rules and changes, customers still fear that since the pandemic of the virus is not over, eating at restaurants could still cause contact with the virus, which overall, still hurts the establishment.


According to Eddie Young, owner of the local franchise, Sedona Taphouse, in Cliffside Park NJ: “With the news rules appearing in an effort to try to help businesses like mine survive, it has helped business for the long run, by bringing in new customers and making it possible for me to watch and provide for me and my family.” This shows that this issue is very torn between people wanting to support businesses and franchises and people who don’t quite feel like the world is safe.  


It can easily be seen that this issue isn’t just putting the customers inside restaurants at risk, but the physical restaurants themselves and makes you think about what you could do and makes you realize the hardships of restaurants and establishments during this tough and painful time.


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