Leonia Pool Gets a New Look

For summer 2018, Leonia pool members will have a pleasant surprise: the entire complex is being repainted! The Leonia Public Pool has been a town staple for generations. Located in one of the lowermost points in Leonia, its hidden location makes it the perfect place to escape for a day of relaxation and lap swimming. Many of Leonia’s own high school students make up the entirety of the lifeguard staff, including Sydney Keller, Catalina Castellon, and Julia Keller. Because these teens are spending so much time at the pool, they really get to know the town and the kids that run and swim all day long. Often, pool goers fall into two categories: lap swimmers and families. Catalina Castellon noted that, “not only does the lifeguard staff see the patrons every day, but we also offer private and group lessons to anyone interested”. All of these factors combined fosters a joyful environment that makes the Leonia Pool such a desired destination from Memorial Day to Labor Day.  

In recent years, however, the Leonia Pool has become somewhat dilapidated. The once brightly colored awnings and newly painted walls have become dull and chipped. The once modern style flooring is now outdated, and reminiscent of a 90’s look. Thus, it is the perfect time to give a much needed update. When asked about this update, Julia Keller said “I am really happy that the pool is getting redone because it will not only make it more fun to go to work, but also for the patrons of the pool to have fun and enjoy their experience.” The entire pool complex will be painted this coming spring. Next week, the available lifeguards will volunteer their services and move the chairs that are currently occupying the bathroom. Barbara Davidson, manager of the pool for around forty years, is in charge of the young lifeguards. Sydney Keller, who will be assisting with next weekend’s construction, is “excited for the new changes and happy to help”. Overall, this remodel will make an already enjoyable environment for both lifeguards and patrons, that much more pleasurable.


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