
New Year Resolutions

Everyone thinks of New Year’s Day as a new start in their life. At the end of each year, we take a moment to reflect on the year gone by and set new goals for the year ahead. The start of the New Year feels like a fresh beginning, and a time to look forward to all the adventures and memories we will create in the coming months. With that new beginning often comes the desire to make new goals, and to set resolutions for ourselves.

For me, no matter how hard I try I can never make it a whole year with completing my goal. It could be due to my lack of motivation so I interviewed students and teachers in the school to get their perspective on New Year’s Resolutions. 

The first student I interviewed was Molly O’Doherty ’28. I asked her about her traditions during New Year’s. She mentioned a Spanish tradition that consists of eating twelve grapes right after midnight. These twelve grapes represent the twelve months of the year. She said it was a tradition that her family has passed down for generations.

When asked about resolutions for the new year, Molly shared, “I make goals and wishes every New Year’s but I am never able to stick to these resolutions. This year I am going to try to do my resolutions with a partner.” 

Juliana, another freshman student, said “I just made a list of the things that I want to achieve at school and in volleyball” and added that her traditional New Year’s Eve was simple:  “I watch the ball countdown at midnight on the TV.”

Resolutions and celebrations vary from person to person and are often tied to cultural or family traditions.


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