
Sugar-Coated Wars

Over the years cupcake wars has become a Leonia tradition and students get their ingredients ready to bake. Already in her bunker, Mrs. Gabrielson is preparing the school’s kitchen to maximize space for the incoming delicious bombs that await the judge’s and the student’s stomachs.  Every year in Leonia High School, there are crowds awaiting for these icing filled small cakes to be eaten, judged and eventually have 3 survivors. We caught up with the lead general of this event. In the kitchen it seems like the TV show “Master Chef Junior” while walking into the culinary academy, speedy like, rushing to get the best result, and in for the taste.

From what the  baking soldier heard, toward the end of the the war, students hear the names of contestants that seem to win twice, and for different categories. there are three categories. Decorated, taste, and something else. They wonder if who are they and what grade the winner are from.“Our biggest participants are culinary students, but there are a mixture of grades. No Are no larger number that enter more than the other.”

dsc_0453People enter the wars they prepare day before the war, stocking up the cupcake ingredients, having hidden secrets to win. Student might prepare all night to do so, many student ebnter the rush for the tasters are on, but what about the bakers, “It really depends,there usually 40 each year. Yeah, it’s a work to enter, Mostly people love to eat the cupcakes. It’s a great draw too,we  also give out great, great prizes, we would love to have the number bigger,but at this put we have about forty to fifty-ish,

What cupcake flavor wins each year?

“Oh dear… It was different year, one year it was strawberry, sometimes somethings that is very interestingly decorated. I can’t say, it depends on what the judges like that year.”

How many judges are there?

There are about forty judges.

Have you have students win consecutively?

“Yes I had students, but not in the same category.”

What would your favorite flavor be? What flavor are you looking forward to eat this year?

“Personally? I love chocolate, I’m looking forward to taste them all. I don’t judge because I run the event, but I always love to buy variety of cupcakes. And I enjoy taste them?

Who is judging this year?

“Well. we have forty judge so we have a variety of judges. Administrators, teachers, and professionals of the industry.”   

What Flavor gets the sold the fastest?

Because there are so many cupcakes it is so hard to say that.

Over the years can you say which one?

Just the ones that are beautifully decorated are the ones that go out first, in which flavor might not be important as the decoration. If they are uniform, if they look very nice, executed beautifully

These past years, and she is still confused of the best, it could be either flavor, chocolate, strawberry, or even vanilla! There was so many cupcakes, the titles were so puny, that I laughed. 


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