
Back to School Motivation

bts3Back to school season is one of the most difficult times of the year for high school students.  Summer officially comes to an end and you need to dedicate time and effort into having a successful school year. Of course not everyone has the kind of motivation.  We interviewed a few students to find out what motivates them to get back to school and have a successful school year.

Some seniors said that their motivation is to graduate because they didn’t want to waste the three years of high school and throw it all away with a terrible bout of senioritis.  Going to college is optional, but essential for many career paths.  Other students are motivated to come back to see their friends, spend more time with them, and continue with school sports.

Freshman face an intimidating combination of coming to a new school and keeping grades respectable. We interviewed a few upperclassmen and compiled a list of suggestions and cautionary words for the freshmen:

  • Get your GPA up as soon as possible and keep it up there to ensure that you’ll have many options for colleges
  • Don’t slack off in your classes because it could impact your school record in a negative way
  • Join some clubs and sports teams because you’ll make more friends and have more fun time in school
  • Find some close friends and allies to get through the next four years together

Every student has their own way of staying on track with school, but the most important thing to remember is that only you can really motivate yourself.



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