
Tokyo Fashion Week: Winter 2015

This year at Tokyo’s Winter Fashion Week, many designers introduced their fall lines. For most, their designs were a glimpse into fashion’s new era. For the remaining few, their designs consisted of questionable color choices and out-dated designs. This week is when we find out whether or not a designer will make it or break it. It’s like a way better episode of Project Runway. Many new designers also came out with fall fashion lines. These designers have shown that they have the potential to change the way we see fashion all together.


tokyo 1Men’s Fashion

This year we saw many new styles for men, especially in the 5351 POUR LES HOMMES collection. They used a strict color palette consisting of black, white, greys, red, and beige. The designs are sophisticated, have character, tokyo 2and most importantly incorporate styles from multiple eras. The 5351 POUR LES HOMMES collection is made for the classic man. They are bringing back tribal ponchos for men and are also incorporating layers of clothing. Whoever said less was more has clearly never tried dressing their best during the fall and winter seasons. Th
is year solid greys and other colors are a must. Forget about prints unless it’s a decorative flannel, and we mustn’t forget about
shoes. Men’s combat boot and high top sneakers are

very in this season (preferably in warm brown and black shades). Now let us talk pants. Skinnies are very in this fall season. In the ATO collection there were many different fabrics that catch the eye. Leather was very big in their collection. So gentlemen, when you are getting dressed this fall season keep these things in mind:

  • Layers are your friends
  • Shirts with a collar are to die for (especially if you show it through a nice knitted sweater)
  • Timberland boots are out. Try a combat boot or even some nice high tops to pull an outfit together.
  • Flannels are an absolute must. If you don’t incorporate them, you might as well be committing fashion suicide.
  • Adding a pop of color with a scarf or hat won’t hurt. Don’t be afraid to incorporate a mustard yellow or an army green somewhere.


Women’s Fashion

First throw away all prior knowledge you had about fall colors and attire. This year’s fashion show had broken every rule known to man-kind. One of the brands that attracted people’s attention was CHRISTIAN DADA.
They brought in spring colors and tokyo 4incorporated shorts and long skirts. So girls don’t put away your maxi skirts just yet. The collection’s most eyes catching pieces incorporated the colors lavender and sky blue. Normally people would scream at the sight of such colors during the fall, but this collection is truly inspirational. The designer, Masanori Morikawa, has brought a faux baby blue leather jacket and made it a sensational piece. He has also brought maxi skirts back into the picture. Long garments are great, but just imagine layering them. Mr.Morikawa had used maxi skirts with long tanks and long cardigans.

Another collection that caught the eye was DRESSCAMP. You know those old rose patterned sofas that your tokyo 3grandmother insists on having in her house? Well, imagine that fabric on a dress. The thought of it is

disgusting but designer Toshikazu Iwaya has made it into a fashion miracle. His designs are chic. So ladies some guidelines to follow this year are:

  • Incorporate some spring colors in your wardrobe. A dash of pastels can never hurt.
  • This year there are no boundaries for shoes. But be careful, knee high boots could make you or destroy you. Not everyone is capable of handling the power of the knee high boot.
  • Try a boot-cut jean from time to time, or flared trousers. Skinnies are out this season.
  • Instead of dressing in tight dresses and shirts, try the occasional loose blouse.
  • Maxi dresses and skirts are still in season. Try rocking one with a tank and your favorite cardigan.
  • Layers are a must! The more the better. Just don’t end up dying of a heat stroke.

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