Arts & Entertainment

Black Panther

With a $200 Million USD budget, Black Panther was released on February 16 of 2018 produced by Kevin Feige and David J. Grand. The film was given 97% on rotten tomatoes and is being nominated for an academy and saturn awards. As of March 11th, 2018, the box office stood at 1.079 billion USD which is still prospering and on it’s way to top ‘The Last Jedi’ and ‘Avengers’.

The movie is about an African tribe in Wakanda (a fictional country untouched by colonial powers) that must replace its leader after the last one was murdered. T’Challa, the Black Panther, replaces his father after his father’s death, but later on, a believed to be dead cousin comes back to Wakanda to take back the throne and avenge his father’s death.

At Leonia High School, the response to this movie was generally positive. Michael Pupo, a junior says, “I enjoyed the action and the stunts in it.”

While freshman Liangy Gomerez hasn’t seen the movie yet, she states “I want to because the trailer and the ratings were pretty good.”

Joseph Liebow says, “I prefer the live action over the comic because, it gave a new perspective towards the comic and for people who don’t completely understand it, it’s more comprehensive.” Overall, the reviews for the Black Panther live action movie were excellent and turning out successful.


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